Lost treasure of the emerald eye

     One monday morning, Geronimo was late for work. Suddenly, Thea, Geronimo's sister bursted in and told that she had found A treasure map the emerald eye. Trap joined Thea and Geronimo for an adventure, Benjamin wanted to go too but Geronimo didn't allow him. They sailed away to the island. On the journey Geronimo found some small footprints it looke the same as benjamin. That night Geronimo heard something in the storage, when he went to look there was Benjamin. Geronimo was surprised and told everyone, but Thea said it's OK. Some days later there was A storm and washed everyone out of the boat. Geronimo saved him self by going in A trunk and then he saved the others. A few hours later Thea and the others got into in island, it was the island everyone expected.
      The island was full of green things. Geronimo took the trunk out of the water. They explored the island, there was A waterfall trees with fruits on them. Then Geronimo got into quicksand. Thea looked at the map. It was skull 1. Trap saved Geronimo with A vine. Next there were bees, it was skull 2. Everyone managed to escape. Then there were rocks with letters on them. In the map it said to get through the rocks you have to undertsand A poem. Geronimo understood it was cheese, they went past the skull 3 trap. When they got to the X mark on the map there were only green water. suddenly A rodent went out of A bush. It was A tourist he came by plane. They all went home without some treasure. Geronimo looked out the window, he saw the island like the treasure. it was the emerald eye. When they reached home Geronimo booked the adventure and it was the best book in mouse island


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