I played sledge

I played with my sleigh sliding down the hill. It was fast and also fun. I bumped into a little hill so I went up and down. Sometimes you bump or stop when your in the middle of the hill. The snow was thick. Sometimes snow comes into your face. You can be fast or slow. It's fun to do it backwards. Scream if you want to. You can see my video here.

Danish Football

Waktu itu Danish dapat bola abis itu Danish di Aiko club.Danish ke lapanganbola di hari senin.Kalau Danish lagi main Danish bikin 1 atau 2 atau 3 gol.Club itu bahasa swedia dan clubnya dekat.

Go Max go Alex

Suatu hari, ada anak besar bernama Alex. Alex berjalan ke sekolah.Waktu di sekolah, Alex ketemu teman bernama Max. Max bilang kalau Max dapat mobil keren. Keeesokan harinya, Max berjanji kalau Max dan Alex bergi ke Kota Bandung. Waktu Alex lihat,ada tempat mobil keren-keren! Mobil yang punya Max teryata ferari. Waktu di bandung,Alex lihat ada orang yang jualan 8 mobil.


Waktu Danish di kapal Maritza mau makan Maritza purpur didur Ummi bilang kita mau keluar terus
Maritza bangun cepat ummi percandaaca

De Beste Basketbal

GoAnimate.com: De beste basketbal by danishstar

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GoAnimate.com: spacerangers by danishstar

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